Wednesday, March 23, 2011

New Harvest of Chilies from Diklum Farm

The Plots with lots of peanuts growing around to keep the soil healthy

Getting great yield from these small plants that we sprouted on the balcony at the restaurant! The fertile soil of Northern Mindanao is prime real estate for vegetable propagation. We will expand 0n our selection once seeds arrive...

We just got back from the farm at Diklum and our chilis are growing very well and about 20 plants are producing kilos of chilis. We have some pretty nice seed production so we will have more plants in the ground in the next few weeks. We picked some beautiful green chili that we will pickle at the restaurant for some upcoming new pulutan specials...extra spicy to pair with extra cold beer! Our first harvest of red chilis has already been made in to chili sauce and it is more potent that previous batches and....WE LIKE IT LIKE DAT!!!

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